Change of NEA Coursework

Change of NEA Idea

The new idea for my coursework is having a person sitting and waiting for another person to arrive, they are thinking in their head, the inner monologue will be heard by the audience in a non-diegetic style to make a personal connection between the main actress/actor. The monolouge isnt about the person they are meeting its actually about their fathers funeral. The main actor will then be waiting for the other person to arrive, in a pub or cafe or library, a place like that but will be doing things like checking there phone and, drinking a coffee etc or i may use a park bench and so it an open space and there are people walking around the park in front of the camera as well as kids playing in the park. I will show this through a over the shoulder shot, and other close ups etc. Once the other person arrives like in E.T. you never see there face and you just hear them talk and the main actor picks up the pile of funeral cards that are in front of her and one falls on the floor and you find out that the monologue that the main actor is saying inst about the person they are waiting to meet its actually about their fathers funeral.

I have changed from my previous idea as i believed it wouldn't get as high as marks as i wanted so i decided to change my idea to create a higher quality short films.

I will be able to achieve a better mark because i will be able to apply narrative theory to my new film unlike the other one. This new idea will allow me to apply Todorov as there will be a equilibrium, disruption, attempt to resolve and new equilibrium.

Also this new idea will have more than just one type of editing as i will be using a variety of camera shots and angles to create my new short film, this will be done through an over the shoulder shot as well as close ups and a use of medium shots. I will also be using long takes to make this film as i will using a lot of medium shots to create my film.

I will also be using location shooting so i would like to use maybe a pub or a cafe for my film to show a public environment, and not just in my house. I have a few places in mind for my location shooting, for example a pub near my house or maybe even a park bench or something like that to show the a passing of time. A public place is definitely needed to make this film so it isnt just one person having to entertain the audience.

I am using "The Arrival" as the main basis for my film as i really like the short film and it would be great to make something similar.


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