Inital Planning - NEA Coursework Old Idea

NEA Coursework Film:


Setting- Wood, house, fantasy land?

Make Up- Maybe makeup on creatures, and fairy's etc.

Costume- Fantasy, Alice in Wonderland style, Main actor in normal clothes compared to the creatures that are dreamlike.

Props- Everyday items

Character Expressions- Creatures move slower as they are larger

Colourful Mise-en-Scene.

Cinematography- Maybe in the style of Wes Anderson, try to replicate Tim Burton

Sound- Dream Like and more fantasy. Limited dialogue?

Editing- Continuity Editing, match on action, Montage?

Representation- Young Children

Genre- The Genre that I would really like to create is children's fantasy film like; Christopher Robin, where the wild things are or Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland.

Narrative- Linear Narrative. Child gets read a bedtime story and it comes to life in their room

Audience- My target audience would be young children mainly but as most children's films are watched with parents as well, I guess you can factor that into the audience as well. As you want to try and make it as enjoyable for the Children and the Adults.

The personal connection of why I want to make this film is, as a child I would spend hours on end with my nan, watching Disney films and those kinds of children films. They mean so much to me as every time I watch one I feel immersed in the film and I forget the troubles that I could be facing in my real life, they lift me up and away make me feel like that 5 year old child again.

Lessons that are taught in films:

·         Take adventures, see the world, no matter how old or young or lonely you are, and don't be scared to make a new friend when you need one the most.

·        Make sure you live life to the fullest and make all your dreams come true.

·        The lesson learned here is that you need to own up to a choice you made and don't run away from it. Be brave and strong and learn from it.

·        The lesson learned here is that no matter how much or how many times someone puts you down and tries to discourage you, never let them tell you who you are or who you can be. Prove everyone wrong, be you and only you.

·        The lesson learned here is that you don't need shinny things and new things in life to be happy. Life can be simple, and you will be okay.

A Few Films that I have watched:

·         Alice in Wonderland

·         Dumbo

·         Wizard of Oz

·         E.T

·         Mary Poppins

·         Finding Nemo

·         Toy Story

Conventions of a children’s film

For my film, I will be going along with most of the conventions for a children’s film;
*Simple storylines, in order for young children to understand, Hollywood structure;
A beginning – an equilibrium
A middle – something disturbs the equilibrium – creating a problem
An end – problem is solved, equilibrium is restored
*Simple characters, whose actions are psychologically motivated. Often shown as not complex if they are based on stereotypes.
*Colourful Mise-en-scene to maintain young children’s short attention span

*Upbeat and cheerful music to indicate the film is a feel-good film with an optimistic message
The target audience for a “children’s” film can vary, due to the film being targeted at different aged children. For example, Finding Nemo is aimed at younger children; around the age of 6-8, whereas E.T The Extra Terrestrial contains elements that only older children, around the age of 10-11 would understand (government officials trying to capture ET). 


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