Where have I been all your life? - Evaluation

Where have I been all your life? – Evaluation. 
Micro Elements:

·         Mise-en-Scene

·         Cinematography

·         Sound

·         Editing
Macro Elements:

·         Representation

·         Genre

·         Narrative

·         Audience

The dialogue is the most important thing to drive the narrative along, using this micro element, macro elements are constructed throughout the short film. This short film uses comedy to create a lighthearted take on a delicate subject.  Establishing this narrative helps to assemble a liner narrative and one that can conform to Todorov’s theory of narrative. As throughout the film, an equilibrium is established this can be seen by Liam and his Girlfriend in the Car. The equilibrium that is established is that Liam is looking for father and the unexpecting couple that turn out to not be his Father and Stepmother. The disruption is when you see Liam, tell John his “Father” and Angela his “Stepmother” that John is his father. Further in the Short film, there is only one attempt to resolve is when, Angela questions Liam and John about the Affair and how Liam’s Mother was. This attempt to resolve may be missed, as unlike Todorov’s theory of Narrative, as further disruptions are made throughout this Short such as, Angela saying she has had an affair for 13 years. These disruptions continue as Liam’s Girlfriend comes to the door to say that they are at the wrong house and they want 31A not 31. Overall the, new equilibrium is when Angela has left John and their marriage is over. Through the use sound and dialogue, the film continues as it makes the film come together, as the whole short is one long conversation with dramatic and comedic twist.

 The mise-en-scene in this film has been used to create as working class representation, this can be seen through, the sitting room as there is nothing of any great expense to be seen and there character makeup and costume is working class or lower middle class but defiantly not Upper Class.  This is seen through the objects that are decorating the house. This helps to drive the narrative as it creates the Macro Element of representation. Through the use of representation, meaning is created throughout the film, as it helps to show the setting without taking up time to show us. Mise-en-scene has also been created through the use of hair and makeup, as it isn’t high glamour and is more social realistic in style. It has been used to make a realistic and more social realistic approach instead, of high glamour. 

As for other Macro Elements like audience, the target audience isn't obvious as the characters aren't around one age group and there isn't a narrative driven by age, however the audience can see a comedic effect to the film and the director hasn't tried to force the spectators into seeing the film a certain way. It kind of looks like he has left the actors to create a scene or sequence by themselves and if they stray away from the script it was left in the edit to create an authentic and life like not staged short film.  
Overall the narrative has been created through the use of sound and dialogue, also using mise-en-scene meaning has been created, this has created a humorous film but with undertones of a social realistic film. This short film has been made to create a comedic affect to a hard wrenching story of Liam trying to find his father, and is looking for that acceptance. 


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